Ecology of Mind

The Evolution Revolution Is Now!

Posts Tagged ‘genetic

The Human Identity Shift: When Personal Authenticity becomes the Keystone for Social Accountability

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Self-Quant to Self-Evolution Crossroads (Image Source:

This next-gen of social, more-evolutionary (psycho-social) in nature (pun to be seen later) will be based on new domain of individual data and metrics.  These measures will also be visualized in 4D (not simply circles, but toroids over time which = 4D personal topologies) and will be dynamic and fluid values visualized and yet, despite their fluidity they will having directionality in regards to the individual and certain innate developmental limits, i.e. our natural personal and unique dispositions and gifts will, as they always have, define our personal developmental limits. Our natural “limits” are seen here in non-traditional definition. *

As we learn and evolve our gifts we develop our unique and genuine form of personal mastery and from this a life-purpose based on our natural gifts and dispositions. Our mastery develops, through a very full life time, into a personal “art-form.”  

Art-as-Mastery - Marine Electric Panel

Anyone who has developed true mastery will be seen as an artist in their work whether they’re an educator, design engineer, programmer, plumber, executive, electrician, chef, or lawyer, yes, lawyers can achieve a level or artistry in their life work too. In fact my own brother has achieved such a level of Mastery, as an attorney, but would never say this out loud. At this time, and predominantly, this is not how we talk (out loud) about gift-evolved personal mastery in most professional fields of work, but I see a time coming when we will.

Human Authenticity will be seen, literally visualized, as an evolving matrix of personal-data metrics. Some old and many new dimensions of personal data will be utilized.  Both the numbers and the visualized illustrations of those numbers will be sharable with proactive, prescriptive (personal bots/agents) sharing occurring virtually as we auto-search optimized, positive and quantifiable synergy with others.  This will become a piece of the next generation of “social.” The difference between our current and this next-gen of social will be found in the finer-grain AND fuller metrics and representations of our personal authenticity and identity.
We have  been steadfastly moving toward a human evolution-revolution for quite some time and this is, I believe, the first human generation that will make this idea tangible via data, metrics and representation of the human “Self” as a psycho-social evolving entity with a parallel development of human synergetic connectivity.
Our current prescriptions  for social synergy are extremely course-grain in comparison to what we will be seeing soon as “social accountability” morphs into a more innately personal social-authenticity. We will be seeing metrics that represent our unique evolution of our authentic Self as the new form of an and more and more coherent Identity over the years.
These personal-as-in-Self measures will be learning, development and personal (and intimate) evolution “mirroring” metrics for each of us. They will be mirrors of our progression towards the realization of our most genuine and “real” and potent personhood. Technology will for the first time help us better see and become our essential Self’s. Social’s amazing evolution-revolution will be forcing each of us to become more of – the who, why and what of – our innately gifted Self’s.
This is the ultimate path for personal and social accountability, is it not?

Digital Data and the Mirroring of Our Evolving SELF (Danny Rosen's Weave Mirror -

And this will be difficult time for many of us whose life to date has been lived founded upon powerful yetextrinsic models and social motivators;, i.e. those of us that have been living symbolic lives, and even become highly successful both monetarily and professionally in the process. Monetary success is NOT a valid metric for human accountability, as many of us already know, nor is professional stature necessarily a metric for personal authenticity.

The best news? This will happen so much the sooner and evolve into a positive common and learned awareness within the lives of our children.

* I have written extensively on this and other naturally correlated movements beginning in 1986. Some of this writing can be found here in this Ecology-of-Mind blog,  as well as in: and Much of it remains held on ancient 5″ floppies and 8″ bernoulli drives 😦 .

Life-Work gains more direct support in the academic space with new publication: “Self Comes to Mind”

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A recent book publication by neuroscientist Antonio Damasio:  Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain …is another indication that “TheWork” here has been on the right path. 

Since 1986 I’ve been focused on a specific question. As it turns out this singular question is intimately connected to a number of other critical and interrelated questions.

The core question has always been: How do we discover, develop and value our innate, gifted and naturally unique Self.

Some of the critical interrelated questions follow:

Why is an awareness of our innate Self, and Self-Evolution knowledge, critical to the health of the human species, as a naturally interconnected macro-organism called humanity? (Think Gaia with Frontal Lobes 🙂 ) 

What does individual Self-Evolution have to do with the quality of everything else in our life? 

What does knowing, living and valuing one’s innate Self have to do with quality of: our relationships; our career choices; and our parenting? 

How is it that in consciously living our gifted Self we will come to know our true Life-Purpose: that a more conscious knowledge of Self connects each of us more directly with our Life Purpose.

Why is it not obvious that in valuing and living our Self and our Purpose we positively affect our health habits; our immune system; and increase our productive working synergies with other people?

Finally, how does the intentional living of a more coherent, gift-founded and driven Self enhance the quality and quantity of human social synergy?

The Solution as a System:

All of these questions have been considered as a system of inherently interrelated processes – as a singular system. The combination of content system and business system is used in the solution.

LeModel – as illustrated through the characterizations and imagery of LeToonz and LeCozmos, and the associated and proposed system of products and services is the content dimension: and

 G.E.T.TheVision is the business systems dimension:

The two of these combined dimensions are what I believe to be a very powerful and effective answer to each and every one of these questions – as a singular system’s oriented solution.

Coming to Know Our “Life-Passion” is… Tough To Do!

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Knowing our “true” Passions takes an unusually fine degree of personal awareness; and at its most basic level, a consciousness of one’s Innate & Natural Self… and this is the rub.

There is simply a great deal we don’t know about what makes up a human “Self” and certainly not near enough self knowledge to be certain and secure in the fact that we “think” of as our “passion” is truly that which we are meant do with our lives. 

If knowing our true life-work passion, our purpose in life, were easy 99% of the global population would be doing something else with their life.

What many people choose to “think” is their life-passion is typically not. Though it is ALWAYS a “good idea”, even brilliant, and/or something having social benefit and value, but is not what we were born to do with our lives… with our Self in the purposeful living of our life. This is a sad fact. 

Gift-Knowing Demands Having Ah-Ha's about our Ah-Ha's

Hey, but there is good news coming. The good news is that questions about how to define a “Self” have begun to appear online and with some global volume and frequency (“Aha!”, says Oprah).  As we begin to answer these questions we also begin to reveal an understanding of what makes a human being, each of us, unique.  This answer then naturally begets further queries about what we are naturally enabled and “born” to do.  And these answers lead us to a more fine-grain understanding of what a unique Self’s true “life-work-as-life-passion” is all about.

Quite often our sense of what we feel passionate about does not come from within us. It comes from without. It is more a “passionate life-work affair” and is not what we were destined to do with what makes us essentially unique. 

The Fact: If it is a true life-passion then by default that “passion” MUST be founded and fueled by our innate and natural Gifts & Dispositions…

This is what makes each of us YOUnique and this is the only foundation to build from vs. an attachment to an externally valued (perceived social valuation) life passion which may be very strongly felt, and believed at some level, but is not supported by that which we are BORN to do; by our innate Self… our organic unique-ness.

This latter form of human passion is not purely intrinsic to our “Self” and the energy reservoir need to effectively pursue these paths will, by design, effectively run dry.

Now with the real deal, the native creativity and energy we have access to from within our true Self – that is fueled and founded on our natural Gifts – provides us a reservoir of infinite depth, fueling us naturally while we live out a YOUnique, gift-aligned life-work; while we live our truest path of passion.