Ecology of Mind

The Evolution Revolution Is Now!

Posts Tagged ‘cloud computing

Self Data Ownership – How It Relates To Living Our Life-Purpose

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The following text is a “Reply” at the LinkedIn Discussion Group: Data Ownership In The Cloud.  I started this particular discussion titled: ““Give Me My Data Back!” or “I want to SEE My SELF, so give me my data back, please.” in November 2009 and it produced a lively discussion. Today some one mentioned I mis-framed my question and so I re-enter the collegial fray…

Digital Data and the Mirroring of Our Evolving SELF (Danny Rosin's Weave Mirror

 Hello Robin,

Re:  The message that got lost in the framing… allow me to reframe.

My originating presentation is simply about the most fundamental learning and development needs (conscious or not and beyond food, water and shelter) of individual Hu-users – as uniquely gifted and disposed individuals – each with DNA-based, gift-driven “life-probabilities” as a unique “Self” – and how online data (both behavioral and future cognitive and derived meta-cognitive patterning) about each of us can be used BY each of us AND FOR each of us for the explicit purpose of better Seeing, and therein coming to better Know, our innate and natural and potent human Self.

… then the piece went on about what we could do (technologically) to obtain all that Self-data and to ultimately be the holders of the optimal aggregate of that data concerning each of our “data-pictured” Self’s.

If someone else has data about us then why not have that data for us, for the education, mirroring, reflection and the active development of our YOUnique Self…

I am not interested in the unfolding and fighting around current or future Data-Ownership Law – that fight is for all those complementary other Hu-Beings that are gifted and living on-purpose in that world – I am interesting in human and healthier human-systems evolution – in assisting people is seeing and living their lives in a way that is aligned with their innate and natural gifts and dispositions – Gift-driven Autopoietics.

I am fairly certain we will develop data-acq tools for the user to start generating aggregate data acquisition streams and then to compile and be enabled to analyze that query-able “Self-db” and to then become the owners of the most complete Self-behavioral and cognitive “moving-picture” as a “consumer.”

It might be at this point that corp-world asks for, and then pays us for (if we chose to give it up) what they are missing – fuller continuity and a “more whole” picture of the new Us, the autopoietic Us-er.

Many “others” are gathering data-chunk(s) of us but, as individual users as (conscious or not) originators of our own perceptions, memories and resultant actions-as-behaviors we are (or should/can be) in the best position to pull together over time, day-by-day, the very best aggregate picture of ourselves… as we change, and more importantly as we might evolve (or not).

It can only begin the moment that the management our own personal Self-Evolution has value – as that moment each of can see the value of Self-Data collection as a first step in managing our own evolution.

My work is about using that moving-picture in a manner that provides users-as-individuals an evolving measure and moving benchmark of their Self.

You can’t manage what you can’t measure, right.

We can’t change a Self we cannot see. We cannot see our gifts and how we might optimally “BE in life” if we first cannot first see our evolving “Self’s” as we are from one day, week and month to the next (and be fully embarrassed by our personal data-film)

Self-Data acquisition is an interdependent piece of larger whole for me. You can see a facet of this bigger chunk at , my Ecology-of-Mind Blog.

All this chatter conjoins with a number of other parallel, synergetic and emergent human social movements going on such as the new area of Self-Quantification (See groups with that name).

It is only through knowing one’s Innate Self that we can live the “Why” of our lives, why we are here in the first place – living in “significant service” to the world and living On-Purpose through our most potent gift-founded Self.

Cheers to all,

Proofs and Instantiations of the Next Tsunami – The Human Evolution Revolution!

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Proofs in Topology... The Self as a Younique and Comparable Nested Toroid
Proofs in Topology… The Self as a Younique and Comparable Nested Toroid

I am just starting this “The EvoRevo Is Coming!” vision-proof-list” and will attempt to fill it up with more supporting examples.

I have many, many logical (and not so logical but compelling in their own way) instantiations Ican point to and say, “There, you see that! That shows you that it is going to happen for sure!! ” …. and these moments, events, articulated social movements I will be adding are taken from way back in time to more recent social, technological, business and scientific movements and correlated events.

Now… you may have to know a bit about my work to get the drift-design of the following but maybe the bullets will form their own quirky, embracing logic for you… the younique viewer. If the quirky design logic does not emerge for you then there is more than enough backgound materials here to fill in the needed gaps. Sorry, but the chapters of the book are disconnected to a degree or two.

Why? And So What?

Well, if I die and my life-work does not get out there and into the minds of the masses, or an ever growing niche, and do its positive and transformative “thing”, then I would like it to be know that at least I knew something of significance… that at least I had a meaningful original thought.

Please do not hesitate to share/comment on your own “proof” events or movements that support the emergence of this social and technological evolution – this movement towards the discovery and intentional living of our natural human and truly “YOUnique Self(s)” as borne from our innate gifts and dispositions, and that inherently connected movement of coming to best know and live our Purpose,  our life-work, through that gift-aligned and most healthfully and naturally motivated Self.

It has been, and will continue to always be about “distinction” and what makes one thing unique from another. It will also always be about alignment and identification. What will evolve and change is the nature of the alignment and the basis for it… and the consumer and business expenditures controlled by it.

The quality of human and human systesm synergy is controlled by the quality of the “fit”
…or the fit-ness of the human connection.
The Qualty of fit-ness is based on the quality of natural uniqueness.

  • Our Mind, continues to mirror and project its self into technology and since the inception of technology.
    • Many proofs here but lo’ and behold the holographic hard drive, or volumetric hard drive, of 2000-05 IBM and others.
  • Pribram and Bohm Connect in late 70’s… and Holonomy is born, quietly.
  • Analogue is back in chips and K-Space is Kewl in and around 2000 and current…
  • Cloud computing diagrams looks like a neuronal, glial cells and/or dendridic cell networks.
Dear "Cloud Architects", look familiar?
Dear Cloud architects, look familiar?
  • New proposed business organizational design illustrations look like nested toroids.
  • The inside of the very cube-ish Borg ship in StarTrek is in fact a toroid.
  • The geometry of “first cause” is a toroid and so is the shape of a bagel or donut or tire…
  • The synapse is shaped like a 2D toroid.
  • A firing neural cell looks like a “Mexican hat” image, analogue and wave-based, which looks just like another new organizational design illustration.
  • ReQall opens its doors in late 2008 (?)
  • Goddess RifTxt goes online with geo-human context iPhone App in early 2009.
  • Google Wave is released in early 2009
  • Oprah brings an author on her show in late 2008 who has written a book on, guess what, aha’s!  This episode of her show creates such a positive stir with her viewers that Oprah adds the “aha” feature to her shows website… she creates a web space for people to record their “big aha’s”… this becomes a huge success.


  • Mutual of Omaha sues Oprah and vice versus in early 2009 over ownership of the phrase “aha-moment”
  • The word “Flo” becomes part of the global consumer lexicon in and around 2000.
    • A LeToonz character and a variable in the EvoReVo process model/ontology
  • The phrase “Ask Yourself” becomes common in consumer content, sit-com TV and web TV, movie scripts, etc… and even the everyday verbal life of human beings in and around 2000 as well.
    • (A LeToonz character and a variable in the EvoReVo process model/ontology
  • Hewlett-Packard does an “Ask Yourself” television brand/Ad campaign spot series “The What if…” campaign.
  • Apple begins to shake up the world by focusing on human distinction and Be Unique type Brand/Ad campaigns.
  • Calvin Klein does a “Be It” brand advertizing spot campaign.
  • Nike does “Do It” but we had it first…… what can ya’ do…

But there’s more to come as the variables listed, the LeToonz characters-as-variables, are seen as a whole; as an human and human systems evolutionary process-model.  So far the rest of the world see’s them a isolated pieces… If history is any indication this will change too.