Ecology of Mind

The Evolution Revolution Is Now!

Posts Tagged ‘autopoietic

Life-Work gains more direct support in the academic space with new publication: “Self Comes to Mind”

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A recent book publication by neuroscientist Antonio Damasio:  Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain …is another indication that “TheWork” here has been on the right path. 

Since 1986 I’ve been focused on a specific question. As it turns out this singular question is intimately connected to a number of other critical and interrelated questions.

The core question has always been: How do we discover, develop and value our innate, gifted and naturally unique Self.

Some of the critical interrelated questions follow:

Why is an awareness of our innate Self, and Self-Evolution knowledge, critical to the health of the human species, as a naturally interconnected macro-organism called humanity? (Think Gaia with Frontal Lobes 🙂 ) 

What does individual Self-Evolution have to do with the quality of everything else in our life? 

What does knowing, living and valuing one’s innate Self have to do with quality of: our relationships; our career choices; and our parenting? 

How is it that in consciously living our gifted Self we will come to know our true Life-Purpose: that a more conscious knowledge of Self connects each of us more directly with our Life Purpose.

Why is it not obvious that in valuing and living our Self and our Purpose we positively affect our health habits; our immune system; and increase our productive working synergies with other people?

Finally, how does the intentional living of a more coherent, gift-founded and driven Self enhance the quality and quantity of human social synergy?

The Solution as a System:

All of these questions have been considered as a system of inherently interrelated processes – as a singular system. The combination of content system and business system is used in the solution.

LeModel – as illustrated through the characterizations and imagery of LeToonz and LeCozmos, and the associated and proposed system of products and services is the content dimension: and

 G.E.T.TheVision is the business systems dimension:

The two of these combined dimensions are what I believe to be a very powerful and effective answer to each and every one of these questions – as a singular system’s oriented solution.

How to Make “Self” Consciousness Cool 4 Kids

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LeToonz on T's - Cause the Convo!

To make the consciousness of a personal “Self” cool you first have to define it. To do that you need a framework, a way of speaking to the question to begin with. In our conversation the human “Self” has an evolving quality that we believe we can visually represent in a meaningful way – both for the user and for society as a whole – and over time.

So, to make Self-consciousness cool you have to make the process of personal evolution entertaining, ergo cool. You have to make the thought-framework you are using, in our case, a human evolutionary-ontology, entertaining and cool.

Then, of course, you have to create a brand universe of products and services founded upon this “framework-as-ontology.” Not a simple nor obvious solution as this complex brand universe is born from a synergetic system of words, images and meaning-rich messages. And this system of words images and messages will grow out of this idea of evolving personal YOUnique-ness; TheSelf; and so on. AND all of this, schtuff… you know… must be truly kewl to fly.

The model, we call LeModel (Learning-to-Evolve the Model), consists of 6 core “state” or “process/operator” variables, facets or components. It was first created and presented to academic audiences as a new way to frame, and speak to the idea of, gift-centric Self-evolution. These first presentations occurred at Stanford University between 1983-1985. 

The character images are called LeToonz and were added to illustrate the phrases within LeModel in 1990-91. These “toon-ish” illustrations were done in collaboration with Jack Dempsey, a Chicago (Illinois/USA) artist. 

LeToonz - Your YOUnique SELF Is TruKewl

From Left to Right and riding directly atop the wave (LeWave) we see AskYourSelf, LetGo, Ah-Ha, and DoIt.  Below AskYourSelf and on the circular pedestal, and in blue, is Flo, Across from Flo and in front of and below Ah-Ha is BeIt. BeIt is a comnbination of all the LeToonz characters. BeIt’s shapre is that of a chalice and a torid… see the donut around BeIt’s waist. The arms and legs spread up and out to form the shape of the chalice (bi-spiral vortices).

“Ah-Ha” (aka: “aha-moment”) is one of the LeModel “state” variables.

Ah-Ha - Fun Pose... Surfin'

It has taken some time but all the LeModel linguistic variables have, as of 2010, become part of the consumer lexicon. This is not to say the utternace “ah-ha” did not occur before Oprah.  It is only to say that broad and commonly defined consumer awareness of what an “ah-ha” means and its “reality” as a shared  experience started with Oprah. The same with “Do-It” via Nike; and “Flo” or “Being in the Zone” via our star athlete Brand scripting (and Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi).

It took 1 human generation, approximately 25 years between 1984-2010, for all of the variables within LeModel to achieve this level of awareness and frequency-of-use in the consumer market.  One thing LeModel provides that we have yet to see is to show the natural interplay and relationships that exist between each of these core variables and how these operate within our lives.

The phrase “Do-It” is one of the “process” or operation variables within LeModel. Nike made “Just Do It” famous 1988. Once a phrase becomes has developed a certain permanence within our conversations with each other, or within our Selfs, we can assume a new level of awareness, or consciousness, has been achieved related to the idea, or meaning of the word or phrase and its emergent associations. In this case, “Do-It” became part of our common lexicon by the early 90’s and has persisted into present day conversation. Ah-Ha, or aha-moment, emerged in and around early 2010 and will continue to spread dramatically.

Flo - One of 6 of the LeToonz Characters within LeModel

“Flo” is one of the LeModel “state” variables that made it to verbal ubiquity in the late 90’s under the umbrella of pop sport psychology with its early roots found in the published and later more broadly popularized work of Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi  (1985, 1989). 

“Ask Your Self” we began to see in a number of Print, Radio and TV ADs and then TV comedy scripts such as Seinfeld in the late 90’s early 2000… to date each and every one of these phrase-as-variables has been isolated, or seen as separate by the consumer-mind. In our model they are unified as a system. Over time each and every one of these phrases has migrated across multiple social-semantic contexts.

Ah-Ha clicked-in-relevance with the consuming mind in the last quarter of 2008 w/Oprah: … and is now being used in media scripting, business, academic and product and service presentations and speeches around the world. Speaking to perceived value of a “phrase”, Mutual of Omaha even sued Oprah over use of the phrase “Aha Moment.”

So, how can we get kids to think, see and viscerally experience this idea that their SELF, and the Consciousness of their innate and evolving Self is actually amazingly cool?  This has always been the big question.

We have looked at the array of product domains and channels and age-groups by which to enter the market, knowing full well that the “thought-product” we are offering can manifest itself within any number of product domains – from fashions and accessories; to toys; to educational-tech to media/entertainment content (TV, Video, Music, Film); to mobile (dedicated learning and/or learning-game)  and social media apps… to knowledge, collective intelligence and semantic web apps…. and even to coffee cups.

We also know a number of these categories are inherently synergistic (Cool Mobile-App Suite meets new Brand Toys (assume younger demog) and/or Fashions + New “Brand” Music/Video, etc) and we have been looked at these scenarios as parallel devel waves.

LeFashion - Ah-Ha Watches - Self-Consciousness/Time

For example, we know we can build an exciting game-culture (with sequel and age-migration legs) specific to human-evolution (EvoReVo!). Not a simple task. We could use a treasure hunt, mystery and puzzle storyboard format with a focus on the discovery (recorded ah-ha’s) of innate personal gifts and dispositions (The Natural-Self Revealed)… “Yea so.” & “…then what?” …the user asks. Well, it’s inherently Self-developmental and social developmental, or simply “social”… so we build in connectivity into the game… it is global multi-player treasure hunt, the treasure being “The Self” and Synergies-of-Self’s defined by who the users really are; defined by a significantly more authentic “Me.”

Further, with this game-generated data and experience, can you then build an evolving social (MP) culture – a social synergy culture connecting individually evolving human beings based on a new platform of individual innate (born-with) characteristics used to mirror personal and YOUnique evolution… If we can make it fun and insight-full then we win the first round.

Can personal evolution be perceived as “kewl” today? We think so. We believe this in part based on social and semantic events that have unfolded consistently and progressively over the last 25 years in the consumer global marketplace – these emergent linguistic patterns we believe speaks to a value-perception and readiness for the ideas behind: Self-Evolution, YOUniqueness, SELF-Consciousness; and even the emergence notions of an Ecology-of-Mind and The Human-Singularity.

What do you think? Ask yourself.

It is an amazing that each and every LeModel variable has become more and more commonly used in “shared experience” conversation by human beings around the world starting around 1990 +/- 1 yr or so and LeModel was first created and presented to the “academic” public as a whole, dynamic and unified system of these same phrases in 1983/84. 

To date, the powerful connections of each of these phrases to one another has not been articulated, much less illustrated, outside of LeModel. We look forward to sharing these thoughts and insights.

How To Recognize Our Innate and Natural Gifts – The Source of Our True Self – Part I

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As most of you know, my life-work centers around personal and social human evolution and to see this idea of “evolution” as a process that occurs within a individuals lifetime.  The work is founded on the notion that we, as unique human beings, have a fundamental need to:

  • more effectively express and live our natural gifts and dispositions;
  • discover healthier and fuller human relationship synergy born naturally from this truer “Self”;
  • come to know sooner, and live more fully with intention, our YOUnique “Life-Purpose.”

What I wish to do here is very simple.  The beginning bottom line to living one’s gifts in one’s lifetime is to come to discover them, to value them, and then act on manifesting and living them most fully and in our daily life over time.  

This idea of discovering and living our natural gifts and dispositions “over time” cannot be over stated. This process is anything but a quick fix.  It is a lifetime deal. A lifetime of learning is involved in this idea of Self evolving. As it should be.  Personal evolution is The Never Ending (life) Story for each of us.

Now, invariably, and naturally, when my conversations with people in real or virtual life get to this point I will get the same question from someone in the audience, or that person I am speaking with directly in front of me (… and their inner-dialog is most likely something along these lines, “BlahBlahdiddlyblah”)

Here’s THE question:


I have capitalized this question as the speaking voice of the inquirer typically carries some shade of emotion. My answer is surprisingly simple, even elegant, but the application of the insight found in the answer is incredibly difficult to do.

Here’s my reply:  

“As an adult we can see our natural gifts through our reaction to others… over time.  Specifically, it’s those things that consistently frustrate us about other people that represents our natural and innate gifts and dispositions.”

It is those things others can’t do, that we do easily, that reflect our innate gifts and dispositions. As an adult, with life memories, and built-up pattern of thought and behavior, this is the simplest way I know of to begin seeing one’s naturally gifted Self…

It is quite illuminating as we consider our own negative reactions to others as being unreasonable. All along we thought they were the idiots, or simple minded, or just plain incompetent, when it turns out they were none of these, that we were simply not accurately valuing that which made us unique.

Critical Balance: The Human Singularity and The Technological Singularity

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The Evolution of the YOUnique Self is the Key in Creating a Balance between our Humanity and our Technology

A Scenario:

A tangible Ecology-of-Mind unfolds as more and more human connections occur globally. This dramatic acceleration of creative working and productive human synergies globally becomes a recognized, significant and measurable wave, but is still occurring within a very small percentage of the total human population. This relative mass of highly potent Hu-connections produce greater, and more productive, human “creative working” Synergy’s BUT there is a limit based on humanity’s own evolution.  It becomes known that this important wave of emergent human synergies can only spread to a greater percentage of the human population IF there is a dramatic increase in that human population’s ability to recognize, value and development their innate, natural and gifted Self.

Let’s assume this occurs, that this recognition and focused development of one’s Natural-Self begins to take hold, becomes a cultural mandate, becomes even “cool” at all age levels, and a central and organic “identity-development” thread within our educational and social worlds. We have now acclerated human evolution. Now, this process can then be visualized as a spiral-vortex with these now more proliferative Human Synergies happening around the globe and among a greater and greater percentage of the human population and over the coming two to three human generations.

Spiral Vortex

Emergent Singularity Visualized as a Spiral Vortex

This more intentional “Evolution of Self” is the basis for a viable and powerful Ecology-of-Mind. 

I see this measureable and tangible Ecology-on-Mind movement as a Human-Singularity. EcoMind is then the key to generating the critical balance to the now emergent synergies occurring in parallel in our technological world. These evolving technological synergies has been given a name. It is referred to simply as “The Singularity.” (V. Vinge, R. Kurzweil)

This movement of discovery and development of our more “Natural Self’s” will lead to an acceleration of robust human creative working-synergies yet this idea of an Ecology-of-Mind is theoretical and conceptual to date (

Human evolution, as a movement (in colloquial fashion I refer to it as – The EvoRevo!), is not recognized as significant, or as an emergent marketplace or industry, although it is, in fact, happening all around us.

More importantly, our ability to recognize and then live our natural and innate gifts and dispositions, or our Natural-Self, and bring forward a more dominant force of resultant innate and powerful human synergies, is lagging severely behind the now recognized as emergent technology-synergy cycle – the now recognized, and named,  Technological Singularity:

I see two Singularities, one Human and one Technological, and they are destined to connect: two converging singularities – that of the human being as a potential and having an innate, emerging and natural Self, and that of individual technologies.  Each, as it approaches greater clarity and coherence produces natural synergies.  Each synergetic and emergent wave, illustrated as an spiraling-singularity, is capable of balancing the force of the other. The latter tech-synergetic wave-as-spiral is recognized, the former not so much.

It is the evolution of the, and our, individual, natural and innate Self, and by natural consequence the potential global human synergies this evolution would create, that lags behind in this dual-spiral/dual-singularity convergent possibility.  And this lack of maturation of the human-singularity both a individual “Self’s” and as a more whole system of synergetic Self’s, is what needs our immediate attention. Without providing human developmental balance to our ever accelerating technological world we, humanity, will be managed more and more obviously by it over the next 2-3 generations… and therein cease to see ourselves as just that, a humanity.

Speaking of Human Synergy… and work to be done:

I am looking for development synergy with others at is concerns 4 interconnected variables.

1) The idea of an inherent, emerging and objectifiable Ecology-of-Mind wave or EcoMind movement;

2) The Technology/Singularity wave as another unfolding movement;

3) The idea that these two wave fronts are part of a larger movement and are playing out in parallel because they are innately interconnected in a fundamentally complementary way; and

4) The missing human literacy (discovery and living of our YOUnique “Natural Self”) and inherent acceleration of the evolution of human synergy globally that “can” (and IMO must) strike the critical balance (in waves/vortices1 & 2). 

2 Emergent Singularities Meet to become One

Critical Balance: The Coming Convergence of Two Complementary Emergent Movements

Visualized, I see this as 2 vortices moving towards their innate connecting moment, and once they make that connection, the topological equivalent would be a dynamic toroid. Unfortunately #4 is far behind in its development and this is the focus of my basic and applied theoretical work, and software and socnet app-systems development efforts (*See below link for app-suite discussion)

Assume that during pre-toroidal manifestation there are two spirals representing two convergent “waves” with the tangible coherence of each, as marketplace and industry identification, e.g.  as a recognized emergent industry) is represented the forward or more and more pointed tips of each spiral become more obvious, and as they converge one to the other… and produce a singular toroidal image.


How do you see the Human Mind (as ecosystem) Mirrored within, and/or Projecting itself into, our Technology?

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Let’s use this space to speak about specific examples of this overarching intent of the human mind as it works through us to nurture and develop us and bring the “best fits” of minds together through time.

One of the main assumptions in this EvoTech Group is that the human mind is in “purposeful control” of the ultimate direction and nature of the development and application of our technology over time and to: help us to more effectively work together; develop our talents, skills and “Self”; discover and optimize synergies in human relationships… (… and all in parallel IMO) AND to allow us to live in some form of harmony amongst ourselves and globally and to survive gloriously on this mortal planet upon which we survive.

It is assumed some of us are actively designing, building and selling (etc) new technology (over time) and that some of these technologies are acting more directly within this agenda than other technologies; and that others of us, most all of us in fact are applying, live with, and are using these technologies in our daily lives. The Users evolve the technology through living-application and so WE – our minds – are all involved in the evolution of our evolution, in an ecosystem of minds which as a whole has an agenda…. to bring us together in the most powerful and optimal ways…

Nothing is a greater turn on people than frictionless, simply beautiful and productive and creative and powerful (even sexy) human working synergy.

(I provided this to add more detail to “Evolutionary Technologies” Group in LinkedIn, that said,  please use this space for expression as well.)


There is the Ah-Ha… and then there is the Oh-No(?)

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Ah-Ha Image - Vr2009

Ah-Ha's ... big and small...

Abbreviated excerpt:

Responses to “LeToonz on/in LeWave”

While I understand the concept, and have felt many of the Ah-Ha’s we have spoken about, I find that I am searching for the “moment” … It is not quite Ah-Ha but it is enlightening and it is a learning moment. There is Ah-Ha and then there is the “Oh-No”(?)

Lafrado – November 24, 2009 at 4:54 am


Hi Lou,

Funny that… my father asked the same question when I introduced him for the first time to my work in the early 1980’s.  He asked, “So what’s an “oh-oh”!

I see these as predictive ah-ha’s with an anticipated down-side – same two syllable utterance though, which I think is a cool connection. This two-syllable, viscerally and cognitively motivated expression (and the two other below), is ubiquitous among all human ethnic populations around the world (… and I’ll prove it someday too. Help anyone? “Ah-so” – Japanese version. We all know that one.)

Ah-ha, “aahhh” and “ha-ha” are the three big primal human utterances (Oh-oh is right up there but 1st cousin to ah-ha I suspect) and many have repeated the work of Arthur Koestler concerning these three.

My take on it is that these three primal utterances we ALL make are psycho-physiologically interconnected, and ah-ha is the result of a juxtaposition and combination of what happens within us when we experience aahhh and ha-ha together.

(Lateral shift… ) What I find amazing is the “social” choice people make to NOT overtly indicate or express the fact they have experienced and insight. It appears we are “cooler” folk if we hold back acknowledging the experienced and fact that other human beings may have assisted up in learning something new. Amazing, huh.  Typically a male phenomena but I am sure women are just as adept at choosing not to show they learned anything new from anyone, in other words we prefer to not show our human-ness. Now these same “knew-it-already’s” (Not!)  will no doubt say “ah-ha” and “aahhh” and “ha-ha” out loud if it serves their selfish strategic motivations… to get ahead in their own wicked way…. It all depends on who is there to embrace, impress and connect to, like the Boss, a new client or new “friend.”I

t is as if learning something new from anyone else is something less intelligent, unprofessional and unevolved people do. How ironic. I have seen people actually fight off saying “ah-ha” out loud and in public, to ensure not sharing the collegial connection and social-learning intimacy. It’s sadly, sadly hilarious to me.

It is Time to Measure Our Ah-Ha's and Our Patterns of Insight... Our "Paths-of-Ah-Ha"

I think the minute we begin to share the experience of ah-ha itself in real-time and with others around us or connected to us, and do so overtly, whether it be in a crowded elevator or workshop, office, food store, or elbow to elbow at the breakfast joint countertop, and we directly communicate it, we say “I just had an ah-ha.” Not over jolly or clown-like but matter of fact with the natural grin  that comes with “most” ah-ha’s.

I think the minute we let others (in) know that they helped us, directly or indirectly, in achieving this phenomenal moment-of-insight – big, medium or small – that these moments of personal human “evolution-synergy-sharing” will slowly but surely transform the quality of human consciousness-of-relationship  significantly, forever and for the betterment of all our lives and that of our planet.

JohnBrian – November 30, 2009 at 6:19 pm

WeMe – Human Evolution Metrics & The EvoReVo Is Coming!

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“WeMe” – Metrics for the Evolution of Individuals and Humanity. 

Ah-Ha Tracker-SML 

WeMe is about the “we” of society as in “us” as a system of semi-interconnected human beings and the “me” of society as in “the individual”, and why and how they merge and combine and produce relationships of varying degrees of human synergy, e.g. productivity, unity, creativity output, etc.  It is also about the WeMe as a naturally and globally evolving system of individuals and how we can affect the quality and speed of that waiting evolution-revolution.
 Flo Tracker-SML
WeMe is about a new form of “Self” representation that is Raw, Direct and Natural. 
The more powerful result of a WeMe revolution will be built, initially, using raw data concerning insight or ah-ha events which throughout our daily lives. These insights or ah-ha events, and the patterns-of-ah-ha’s that emerge, will be easily recorded, automatically uploaded and dynamically illustrated, from the little ones to the big Eureka’s – while we work, play, walk, talk, wherever we are, whoever we are with face-to-face or virtually.
The Diary of Ah-Ha-SML
Most importantly, WeMe is about recording and representing the “patterns of our insights” over time and then correlating these patterns to what is going on within us and around us… our context, our actions, our relationships and even our thinking… over time. It is our patterns of insight, or what I call our Path-of-Ah-Ha, that we can get a clearer and true picture of our living and evolving Self.
Oh, did I not mention that WeMe is about coming to know and see and better live our innate gifts and dispositions, and from this, our TruSelf.  This is the real purpose to being able to actually see and come to understand the nature and patterns of your insights over time.
WeMe is all a piece of the rest of GET and LeCompany and LeToonz and The Library-of-Masters and The ArteFactory and SynchroNet and The Ageless Child (See: G.E.T. TheVision).  WeMe is simply the first market space I think I can begin to make all the rest come alive and into the market.


WeMe records our ah-ha’s right from our blackberry or iphone or palm or laptop.  These Ah-Ha (and Flo) tracking uploads are the first step towards a direct measure of your daily growth and, over time, patterns of that growth and development and, over a bit more time, your personal evolution.
Remember if it’s about Me then it is also about We, or as it applies to the individual it then also applies to clusters of individuals, and larger clusters and so on until it can represent a dynamic picture of the learning and the evolution of our society as a whole.

In the early 90’s I brought these personal and organizational learning and evolution measurement and representation software ideas into the market to test the water. As organizational IT solutions back then, and for the home pc children and tween market, the WeMe suite of software consisted of: The Ah-Ha Traker, The Flo-Traker and The Diary-(Path)-of-Ah-Ha as seen in the above CD package illustrations.  That was over 15 years ago. At this time I spelled “Tracker” without the “c” as “Traker” to make the phrase more unique.

The idea then was that people would be interested in visual representations, and other cool data visualizations, related to their personal (and human systems as org’s) growth, learning and evolution, and how this life process co-related to other Hu’s on the planet. Obviously, I was too early.  Not so today I’m hoping.

Ah-Ha /Flo Tracking is only the beginning.

If you have seen and read about my LeToonz characters and the topological world they live in called LeCozmos, you will know that ah-ha and flo are 2 of a family of  6 (and more coming) processes or states represented in the evolutionary model or ontology of mine.  In knowing this then you know that this is just the beginning and that many, many versions will be waiting to follow after this first version of WeMe which will be using Ah-Ha and Flo only. In other words, we have a very full pipeline of products to come and it is, and always has been, a matter of picking the best product-place and time to begin, which I think is WeMe and now… and then to pay very close attention to our human users.   

LeCozmos - The Analogue Wave-Space World were LeToonz lives

LeCozmos - The Analogue Wave-Space World were LeToonz lives

These Guys will help you find what makes you YOUnique!
These Guys will help you find what makes you YOUnique!





What does the very first version of WeMe have to do to be successful?

  • WeMe has to deliver, and continue to deliver, unique, genuine and personal value.
  • Users have to want to see what they “look like” as YOUniquely measured individuals, and as compared to others.
  • Users have to have ah-ha’s through tracking their ah-ha’s that they find valuable for themselves and others.
  • Metric visualization has to be outstanding.
  • YOUnique metric visualizations per YOUnique user must offer overlay and superpositioning features that are also outstanding.
  • Users have to want to share the “experience and the value” with others.
  • WeMe data upload has to be very easy to do and very little time to do it.
  • It has to look, sound and feel kewl as well as be kewl. 

The LeCozmos topology imagery will become the functional, dynamic 4-dimensional visualization medium. In LeCozmos we have an analogue topological system of evolving imagery that starts with a sign wave that becomes a mobius strip that evolves into a toroid and then into connecting toroids, and ultimately an nth dimensional nested-toroid that represents a singular YOUnique individual.  These toroids will be able to overlay upon each other to measure “fit” or potential human synergy.  That’s the plan anyway.

Making all this happen will take a ton of work and some cash.  The easy part it do start something simply, Versions 1.0-1.5 for example, and build up to this nested toroidal Version 3.0 correlative place.  
Version 1.0
Through their socnet interface (iphone, palm, wrist watch, blackberry, laptop, etc) the user enters numeric data that reflects the number of insights or “Ah-Ha” events they have had (or are having) at any point throughout their day (or when a user wakes up with dream insights to be recorded).  Users then have a choice to enter another discrete numeric which reflects their sense of time that has passed since they made their last entry.  Flo data reflects your “sense of time” passing or your experience of “felt-time.

Your Ah-Ha and Flo data entry behavior on your iPhone or Palm or Blackberry (etc) or laptop would be something like this:

  • You realize you are having an ah-ha, a series of ah-ha’s, or that you recently had an ah-ha or series apple-iphone-in-hand-thumbof ah-ha’s previously.
  • You hit (press, click, speak to) your Ah-Ha Tracker application icon on your “device” touch screen.
  • When the app opens you choose/press the icon “Ah-Ha Rec.”
  • The screen opens to your Ah-Ha Tracker image/metaphor which, in this case, you chose to be a series of different pizza sizes – could be shoes, golf links, etc.
  • You click the XL Pizza image 1x, the Large Pizza image 3x’s, the Medium Pizza image 10x’s and then hit the “Next” button.
  • You then you enter 30 in the new (next) FloTracker screen. (You just made a Flo record stating that it “feels like” 30 minutes have passed since the last time you entered data 2 hours ago.)
  • You close your phone and your data uploads to all of your various profile screens in Facebook, MySpace, Twitter (coming), LinkedIn, Hi-5, Plaxo, etc.
  • You can check to see your personal YOUnique Toroid and other personal YOUnique evolutionary data graphics online by hitting the Ah-Ha app and choose “MeMirror.” 
  • You can check to see everyone else’s, or the We of WeMe, by hitting the Ah-Ha app and choose “WeMirror.”

That’s it, your YOUnique Hu-Metric, or human-metric, record loaded up in 8-10 secs max!

 Version 2.0
This personal evolution-data metric adds up.  It becomes YOUniquely patterned and then it is superpostioned on everything you think and do. Everything you do as-in… places you travel physically; your web behavior and email content; your live meetings and web-meetings and dialogue and texting; your YouTube visits, posts and posts you check out; and most importantly “your own” work and content creation and content affecting work.

More really cool stuff comes alive with your WeMe Ah-Ha/Flo data over time – the “Compares” – comparisons w/Others.  Others that you know; and comparisons with people you cease to know; and correlations to people you do not yet know but that you have complementary and/or parallel “data-relations” with and, and, and…

You and others can, for the first time EVER, actually see and measure your growth, learning and evolution. You would be able to see your ah-ha and flo data patterns merge with your life “doing” and thinking” patterns… and those of others around you and around the world. 

Version 3.0
This is the transformational Version.  Here is where you will be able to go from who you are – based on where you have been – to who you are based on who you are born to be.

At the next level “WeMe” will help anybody who uploads genuine WeMe data discover their unique and natural gifts, talents and dispositions.  WeMe helps us discover and then live our TruSelf and as a seamless consequence, our destined Purpose… On-Purpose.

J. Brian Hennessy
Creator of LeToonz, LeCozmos, LeModel, The EvoReVo, The Ah-Ha Traker, Flo-Traker and Diary-of-Ah-Hazzz as a life measurement tool chest and more…